Saturday, February 22, 2014

What Do You Want To See In a Book Review?

Today, I wanted to talk a bit about reviews and also add some awesome gifs.  It is the main thing that us book bloggers do and sometimes I feel like I am great at them and sometimes I feel like I didn't tell anyone anything about the book that matters. I know that you guys have probably felt the same way as I have. If I love a book or it's a part of a series that I love it's so easy to go off on a tangent and write a review that is 50 pages long. Now, books that I didn't love or I thought were ok are so much harder for me to write. I don't always know what to say and I don't just want to talk about why I didn't like the book, I just want to give you guys enough information  to decide for yourself if you think it would be something that I would enjoy. 

I personally try not to write really long reviews, I don't know about you guys  but, I tend to find a summary point about how the book was overall for the reader and I use that in my decisions of whether or not I would like to read a book. I like shorter reviews usually, but I have a hard time getting to my point. I sometimes feel  like if my review is too short I am doing a disservice to my readers if I don't write a review that is long enough and I am not giving enough thought to the book and even doing the author a disservice. 

At times I feel pressure to review the newest books and arcs that I get the chance to read but, honestly sometimes when I see that a book is about to come out I tend to see a million reviews of that same book on each blog, it makes sense of course but sometimes it is nice to see a book that is older or one that might have not gotten a lot of press. I don't know about you guys but, I need variety sometimes. I try to review some of the older books I have along with some of the newer one's although I don't always know if  I am doing such  a great job but, I try!

Each person writes reviews differently and that is what makes doing this so much fun, some people talk about everything they like and they didn't like, and some people enjoy including their favorite quotes. What I want to know is what you guys like to see in reviews, what things do you want to know about a book if you are going to pick it up. What is the most important for you and what do your favorite bloggers do when for their reviews and what do you enjoy the most about their reviews?

1 comment:

  1. I have a blog but I rarely get to post reviews on it. And I mostly post memes. But I do so love reviewing. The only problem is I am not very technical about writing reviews like most other bloggers. Like how the plot was or whether the character developed throughout the story or not. Basically I go on a rant while reviewing if I liked the book or not and what I hated or loved about the book most. I never read book reviews before reading a book so that I can form my own opinion on the book after reading it !
    I love the Gifs !

    - Gayatri @ Notorious Writer


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